Politics, Philosophy & Law Minor

The Law and Ethics of Putin’s War on Ukraine

The Politics, Philosophy & Law minor –  a discussion of the law and ethics of Putin’s war on Ukraine Join us Friday, March 11th, at 2 PM. The event is on Zoom and is open to the entire Berkeley undergrad community. PPL minor students are required to attend at least two events per semester. Join Zoom Meeting: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/94686839890?pwd=UFVKbWg5ZnhUYXl0NlptU3hTQ3BzUT09 The […]

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky – The Supreme Court new term, major cases and why they matter

The Politics, Philosophy & Law (PPL) minor is excited to host Dean Erwin Chemerinsky – The Supreme Court new term, major cases and why they matter Come join us Monday, February 7th, at 5 PM. The event is on Zoom and is open to the Berkeley undergrad community. Join Zoom Meeting: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/93233549132?pwd=NWQ2YTB0d2crMEZ2R2poL3ZWSmRuUT09 Dean Chemerinsky is […]

Spring 2022 Events

Join us Friday, March 11th, at 2 PM. The event is on Zoom and is open to the entire Berkeley undergrad community. PPL minor students are required to attend at least two events per semester. Join Zoom Meeting: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/94686839890?pwd=UFVKbWg5ZnhUYXl0NlptU3hTQ3BzUT09 The Philosophy, Politics, and Law Minor announces a (virtual) discussion of the law and ethics of Putin’s war […]

Judge Thelton Henderson speaking at Professor Kutz’s Seminar – April 6, 2021

You are invited to attend a session of Professor Kutz’s seminar Tuesday, April 6 from 10-11am, when he will have the great privilege of hosting Judge Thelton Henderson, a giant of civil rights law. We will be discussing prison reform (Judge Henderson was deeply involved in the cases that led to the declaration that the […]

Discussion of film: The Trial of the Chicago 7

Please watch the film on Netflix and and meet to discuss on Thursday, April 15th, at 12:30pm for a lunchtime discussion. The Zoom link for the discussion is : https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/92582593483?pwd=R3J0S2lSRTEwRkhDYWFsa0hIK3NuZz0

PPL Minor Featured in the Daily Cal

UC BERKELEY LAUNCHES POLITICS, PHILOSOPHY AND LAW MINOR | The Daily Cal, 02/23/21 | BY EMMA TAILA | STAFF | UC Berkeley launched the politics, philosophy and law, or PPL, minor program, which aims to provide students with close academic support and foster a community dedicated to thinking about questions of justice. The program, which is […]