Christopher Kutz
- ckutz@law.berkeley.edu
- 510-642-6053
- 220 JSP, 2240 Piedmont Ave. Berkeley, CA 94720 MC:2150
- Website
C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor of Law
Christopher Kutz is an expert in moral, legal and political philosophy, with a special interest in criminal law and international law. He holds a JD from Yale and a PhD in Philosophy from UC Berkeley. He holds below-the-line appointments in Philosophy and Political Science. He is the author of Complicity: Ethics and Law for a Collective Age (Cambridge 2001), and On War and Democracy (Princeton 2016). His current work focusses on moral and political psychology, and the conception of the public, especially in relation to the climate crisis.

Due to the coronavirus, I am working remotely until further notice and am available Monday through Friday, 8:30-12 and 1-5:30 by email and for phone/Google Hangout appointments.
Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions, problems, or concerns, and I will respond promptly.
For faculty advising, please contact faculty by email during their office hours as posted on this website.

Daniela A. Cammack (Political Science)
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Daniela Cammack studies the history of political thought, with special interests in ancient Greek and Roman political ideas and practices, political economy (including Marx), and the history of democracy. Her research has been published or is forthcoming in Political Theory, Polis, History of Political Thought, Classical Quarterly, Classical Philology,and the Journal of Political Philosophy. She has degrees from Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard, and is working on a book on ancient Greek democracy.

Jonathan Gould works on topics in public law, legislation, and democratic theory. His recent scholarship focuses on legislative procedure and legislative representation. He received his Ph.D (Government), J.D., A.M., and A.B. from Harvard.

David Singh Grewal is a Professor in the Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program at the Law School and has a below-the-line appointment in the Political Science department. His teaching and research interests include legal and political theory, including constitutional theory; intellectual history, particularly the history of economic thought; global economic governance and international trade law. His first book, Network Power, offered a social theory of globalization. He is finishing his second book, The Invention of the Economy, an intellectual history of economics. He holds a JD from Yale and a Ph.D in Government from Harvard.

Kinch Hoekstra (Law/JSP, Legal Studies, Political Science)
Chancellor's Professor of Law and Political Science
Director, Kadish Center for Morality, Law & Public Affairs
Kinch Hoekstra specializes in the history of ancient, Renaissance, and early modern moral, legal and political thought, with a particular focus on Thucydides and Thomas Hobbes, and additional expertise in the history of constitutionalism. Author of many articles in the history of political thought, his monograph on Thomas Hobbes, Thomas Hobbes and the Creation of Order is forthcoming from Oxford. Hoekstra has a D.Phil. (Philosophy) from Oxford University, and is also on the faculty of Political Science, and has a below-the-line appointment in Philosophy.

Desmond Jagmohan specializes in the history of American and African American political thought, American intellectual history, and the history of political thought. At present, his research concerns political and moral agency under conditions of extreme oppression. He is completing his first book, Dark Virtues: Booker T. Washington’s Tragic Realism (under contract with Princeton University Press), which draws on several years of archival research to recover Washington as a virtue theorist of the oppressed. His second book project reads Harriet Jacobs’s slave narrative as a work of moral and political theory. He holds a Ph.D in Government from Cornell.

Daniel Lee specializes in the history of political and legal thought in the ancient (Roman) and early modern periods. His most recent book is Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern Constitutional Thought (Oxford, 2016), and he has a forthcoming book, also with Oxford, on the legal theory of Jean Bodin, The Rights of Sovereignty. Lee holds a PhD from Princeton University (Politics).

Jonah Levy (Political Science)
Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Jonah Levy received his Ph.D. in political science from MIT in 1994. He teaches courses in the areas of comparative political economy, French and West European politics, and social policy. Levy is Vice-Chair of the Department of Political Science as well as Director of Undergraduate Studies. He is currently conducting research on France’s response to the 2008 crisis as well as on the relationship between partisanship and economic liberalization in contemporary Western Europe. Levy is a member of the Executive Committee of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Research Program at Berkeley. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board for the journal, French Politics. Levy received a Phi Beta Kappa award for excellence in teaching and was selected as the UC Berkeley, Undergraduate Political Science Association Professor of the Year.

Osagie K. Obasogie is the Haas Distinguished Chair and Professor of Bioethics at the University of California, Berkeley, in the Joint Medical Program and School of Public Health. Obasogie’s scholarly interests include Constitutional law, policing and police use of force, sociology of law, bioethics, race and inequality in law and medicine, and reproductive and genetic technologies. His writings have spanned both academic and public audiences, with journal articles in venues such as Cornell Law Review, California Law Review (forthcoming), Law & Society Review, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, Stanford Technology Law Review, and the Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics along with commentaries in outlets including the The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Slate, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, and New Scientist. He holds a JD from Columbia and a Ph.D in Sociology from Berkeley.

Helene Silverberg is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and a member of the Faculty Advisory Board of the Berkeley Human Rights Center. She was Co-Director of the Berkeley Human Rights Program from 2012-2014 and supervised the Interdisciplinary Human Rights Minor from 2011-2014. Professor Silverberg’s fields of interest include transitional justice, international criminal law, gender and international human rights and comparative judicial politics. Her current work focuses on the International Criminal Court and its effects on the reform and reconstruction of national courts in post-conflict countries.Before joining the Berkeley faculty in 2010, Professor Silverberg was a Visiting Senior Lecturer in the Human Rights Program at the University of Chicago, a Fulbright Senior Lecturer in the Political Science Department at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, and a Visiting Professor with the law faculty at Bahcesehir University, also in Istanbul. She also practiced law for several years.

Sarah Song (Law/JSP/Legal Studies)
Professor of Law | Professor of Political Science
Sarah Song works in political philosophy and democratic theory as well as feminist theory. Her recent work has focused on issues of immigration and the boundaries of citizenship and democracy. She is the author of Immigration and Democracy (Oxford 2018) and Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism (Cambridge 2007). She has an M.Phil (Politics) from Oxford and PhD (Political Science) from Yale University. She holds below-the-line appointments in Political Science and Philosophy.

R. Jay Wallace (Philosophy)
Judy Chandler Webb Distinguished Chair for Innovative Teaching and Research
Jay Wallace works mainly in moral philosophy, but he also has deep interests in political and legal philosophy. His research has focused on responsibility, moral psychology, normative ethics, and the theory of practical reason. His latest book, The Moral Nexus (Princeton, 2019), is a study of the relational structure of moral thought. Wallace has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Princeton University, and has taught at Wesleyan, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Humboldt University in Berlin.